Kaleidoscopes From Containers (3 sessions)
with Linda Jacobs
only 4 seats left
Kaleidoscopes From Containers with Linda Jacobs
Meets 3 Tuesdays, May13, 20, 27, from 10 am -1pm
Discover the secrets of making a kaleidoscope, from the mirror lenses to the goodie chamber, to the container (a Pringles can!), to the exterior decoration. You'll discover it all and have a masterpiece to enjoy and show off!
Ages 18 and up
Max, class - 6
Bring a Pringles can or a Quaker Oats canister, any size, if you have one, and everything else will be furnished by the ACA for $10.
May 13th, 2025
Tue for 3 weeks from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm